New in HEY: A better experience with long threads


We just revamped an essential part of HEY — reading and replying to long email threads.

Working with these lengthy conversations was painful. Previous content in the email was sometimes collapsed neatly, but often not, leaving you to scroll and hunt for what's new. That made replying cluttered, too.

It's a gnarly knot to untangle, since emails arrive from hundreds of different services. We dug in and made the experience significantly better.

HEY now reliably detects previous replies and tucks them away until you need them. Whether reading or replying, it's easier to focus.

We also made navigating threads more friendly. Before, clicking one entry expanded all of them, which was disorienting.

Now, open one, take a peek, and collapse it when you're done. The rest stay right where you left them.

See the updates in action in this quick video.

We hope this update improves your day-to-day experience with HEY! 


New in HEY: Multiple reminders, mobile widgets, and more